Ganzenkuil - Rules and general information - Angling Escapes

Ganzenkuil – Rules and general information

The Ganzenkuil (Goose pit):


U dient zich op de onderstaande tijden bij de beheerder te melden.
Mocht u verhinderd zijn neem dan telefonisch contact op met de beheerder.
Aankomst: 13:00 uur
Vertrek 12:00 uur

Make sure you arrive on the below times, if you are delayed please contact the owner. Arrival and Departure times (euopean time) Week friday 13.00 o clock till friday 12.00 o clock (7 nights) Midweek monday 13.00 o clock till friday 12.00 o clock (4 nights) Weekend friday 13.00 o clock till monday 12.00 uur o clock (3 nights)
You may put your lines in the private sector of the lake. On the lake side no bivvys allowed in the private sector
Bait boats are allowed and dinghies with electric motor are mandatory use at your own risk. Use a life jacket at all times.
Buoys and markers/H-markers are prohibited.
The use of fixed lead systems is prohibited.
The pre baiting of particles is permitted, prepared by a company in closed packaging.
Minors are not allowed to fish without adult supervision.
We kindly ask you to inform us of special catches.
Changing fishing spots is possible, provided there is enough space and in consultation with the manager.
Caught fish must be put back immediately, NO KILL. It is strictly forbidden to possess, consume or transport fish. Violation of this will result in immediate removal from the project and legal action will be taken.
No more than 5 KG per day may be fed per rod.
Only one single hook may be on the line per rod, so treble hooks or similar are strictly prohibited!
The use of an unhooking mat and weighing bag is mandatory, wet it before use!
You may use braided line in combination with a shock leader 2x the rod length. Please note: As soon as it is observed that you have 'hit' the rod, you will have to leave the site.
The use of a keepnet/storage bag is prohibited.
Only fishing from your own swim is allowed. Be considerate of other anglers.
Always stay within 10 meters of your rods.
It is not allowed to fish with more than 3 rods per person.
Use of a dinghy is mandatory. Life vest is mandatory.
After using the toilet, you are kindly but urgently requested to leave the toilet clean.
Public toileting is strictly prohibited, please use the toilet. There is a dry toilet. It is useful to bring something yourself because the distances between some swims and the toilet are quite far.
Swimming is allowed as long as you do not disturb other fishermen.
If you are bothered by overhanging branches, you can remove them in consultation with the owner.
When the ground is damp (after rainfall), do not drive on the tracks, but over the grass.
The gates must be and remain closed at all times to prevent the sheep or dog from escaping.

On all the venues that Angling Escapes mediates you are required to take first aid/Carp Care with you and treat the carp with this.
The owner and Angling Escapes can not be held responisble for damage, loss and/ or theft of goods or accidents and/or injuries.
If you do not observe the owner his rules he may ask you to leave the premises. Angling Escapes will not be responsible for the withdrawal of your booking by the owner and will not refund your payment or deposit.
Angling Escapes reserves the right to, after violation of the rules, to refuse further business with the offender.
Importantly, make sure your travel and cancellation insurrance policy applies.

2. General rules

It is not allowed to drive arround in your car
Persons who cause damage are personally liable for this.
Pets are allowed in consultation. Please note that there may be sheep or the owner's dog.
Cars and bivvies must not block the road.
On arrival you must report to the manager.
Please clean up and take your own waste with you. It is forbidden to have loose waste on or around the spot.

On all waters that Angling Escapes mediates, you are obliged to bring First Aid and to treat the carp with it.
The manager, owner and/or Angling Escapes decides on anything that is not provided for in these regulations.

The owner, manager nor Angling Escapes is not liable for loss and/or theft of goods or accidents and/or physical injury. Neither the manager/owners of the water nor Angling Escapes can be held responsible for damage or loss of your belongings.

Important, make sure that you have taken out travel and cancellation insurance.
If the above rules are not respected, the owner may force you to leave the site at any time without any refund of the travel sum.

We at Angling Escapes, the owner and manager of the site wish you a very good catch and hope that you will enjoy your stay.

3. Useful addresses in the vicinity of the Ganzenkuil


Kerkeland 3,
6651 KN Druten,
0031 243657590


Middelbuurtseweg 34a,
3903 LD


Leegstraat 7C
6645 BA


Grotestraat 19-A
6653 BJ


Markt 18
6651 BC